Adults (groups 25 people and more) Children, students and pensioners (groups 25 people and more)
Tour of the exhibition of PEC Tikveš 8,00 €6,00 €
Family ticket (2 adults + 2 children)19,00 € (dodatno dijete + 2,00 € )
Professional guidance through the exhibition in Croatian30,00 €
Professional guidance through the exhibition in English40,00 €
Najam audio vodiča na hrvatskom ili engleskom jeziku2,00 €


  • group is considered min. 25 people
  • reservation by phone or e-mail is required for all programs (written reservation is required for groups)
  • The deadline for canceling the announced visit is at least 24 hours before the scheduled date
  • djeca children up to 4 years of age accompanied by their parents do not pay the ticket
  • odobrava se popust za individualne korisnike e-Dječje kartice za program izlet brodom u okviru projekta „Mudrica“ Središnjeg državnog ureda za demografiju i mlade:
    • Family with 1 child: 10% discount on the existing price of the service
    • Family with 2 children: 20% discount on the existing price of the service
    • Family with 3 or more children: 30% discount on the existing price of the service
  • na svaku grupu od 15 učenika ili predškolske djece 1 učitelj/nastavnik ima pravo na besplatnu  ulaznicu
  • Osobe s posebnim potrebama te osobe sa invaliditetom preko 50% i jedna osoba u pratnji, uz predočenje dokaza o priznatom statusu (iskaznica, rješenje ili dr.) ostvaruju popust od 50%
  • popusti se međusobno isključuju
  • tvrtke koje se bave turističkom djelatnošću, a koje prethodno sklope Ugovor o  suradnji s Javnom ustanovom ostvaruju popust od 5% odnosno 10% na kraju tekuće godine. Uvjeti ostvarivanja popusta u jednoj godini su sljedeći:
  • up to 500 visitors - 0% discount
  • from 501 to 1500 visitors - 5% discount
  • from 1501 to 2500 - 10% discount
  • The public institution "Kopački rit Nature Park" reserves the right to amend the price list during the year.
  • All income generated by the Public Institution "Kopački rit Nature Park" in accordance with the price list above is used exclusively for the protection, preservation and promotion of the Kopački rit Nature Park.