PRESENTATION-EDUCATIONAL CENTER TIKVEŠ PRICE LIST FOR INDIVIDUAL VISITS HRK/EUR Payment options: in HRK or by credit cards Payment in EUR from 1st January 2023.
Adults Children, students and pensionersOdrasli grupa
(25 i više)
Tour of the exhibition of PEC Tikveš9,00 €6,00 €8,00 €
Family ticket (2 adults + 2 children) 19,00 € (dodatno dijete + 2,00 €)
Professional guidance through the exhibition in Croatian 30,00 €
Professional guidance through the exhibition in English 40,00 €
Najam audio vodiča na hrvatskom ili engleskom jeziku2,00 €/sat
  • group is considered min. 25 people
  • reservation by phone or e-mail is required for all programs (written reservation is required for groups)
  • The deadline for canceling the announced visit is at least 24 hours before the scheduled date
  • children up to 4 years of age accompanied by their parents do not pay the ticket
  • odobrava se popust za individualne korisnike e-Dječje kartice za program izlet brodomu okviru projekta “Mudrica” Središnjeg državnog ureda za demografiju i mlade: Family with 1 child: 10% discount on the existing price of the service Family with 2 children: 20% discount on the existing price of the service Family with 3 or more children: 30% discount on the existing price of the service
  • na svaku grupu od 15 učenika ili predškolske djece 1 učitelj/nastavnik ima pravo na besplatnu ulaznicu
  • Osobe s posebnim potrebama te osobe sa invaliditetom preko 50% i jedna osoba u pratnji, uz predočenje dokaza o priznatom statusu (iskaznica, rješenje ili dr.) ostvaruju popust od 50%
  • popusti se međusobno isključuju
  • companies engaged in tourism, which have previously concluded a Cooperation Agreement with a Public Institution, receive a 5% or 10% discount at the end of the current year. The conditions for obtaining a discount in one year are as follows:
    • up to 500 visitors - 0% discount
    • from 501 to 1500 visitors - 5% discount
    • from 1501 to 2500 - 10% discount

The public institution "Kopački rit Nature Park" reserves the right to amend the price list during the year.